by Laura Worick | Feb 10, 2023 | Customer Experience Management
When was the last time you filled out an online questionnaire for a business? For many consumers, the answer is “never.” Long surveys, essay-length answers, and difficult-to-find contact forms can make it almost impossible for your clients to give you the feedback you...
by Laura Worick | Jul 8, 2019 | Research Methodology
With a new company idea popping up every second and entrepreneurs everywhere you look, how can your business stand out? Market research will give you the upper hand, even if you’re already positive that you have a perfect product: it’s an essential step for success in...
by Laura Worick | Jun 14, 2019 | Customer Experience Management
Customer service is an integral part of almost every company. Unless you have a monopoly on your product or service, part of what makes customers return is their experience with front-facing teams. Technical issues, sales pitches, and product returns are all...
by Marketing | Dec 13, 2017 | Customer Experience Management, Research Methodology, Utilities
Not long ago, the utility industry was doing a poor job relating to its customers as just that, customers. Reduced to impersonal references such as a “load,” “meter” or “ratepayer,” customers felt little positive connection to the utilities they paid handsomely to...
by Joel Vaslow | Oct 18, 2017 | Customer Experience Management, Financial Services
All channels need to be accessible, reliable and satisfy the customers’ needs. There is no baseline determination of what constitutes optimum customer engagement. For example, what may be a best-case-scenario for, say, Prudential may well be a worst one for...