Customer satisfaction is about people. So, we help you measure what matters to them.
People don’t think much about their utility service until it doesn’t work, or they get a bill. It’s not enough to just measure customer satisfaction, you need to know how to improve it. When issues arise – an interruption of service, an error in billing, a request for service – how the situation is resolved is key to satisfaction.
APECS® takes a truly comprehensive and personalized approach to customer satisfaction management. We focus on people and their needs, not process and statistics. An established customer feedback program, like APECS®, can identify what’s going well and where you need to improve.
APECS® is proven across the utility industry.
Your MSR team partners with utility companies across the country to improve customer satisfaction. By enabling you to quickly identify customer service strengths and weaknesses, and recommending specific action plans based on these insights, your experienced MSR team is a powerful ally to help improve your C-sat performance.
APECS®: Customer satisfaction measurement and improvement simplified.
APECS® makes collecting, evaluating, and taking action on customer feedback easy.
With user-friendly dashboards, key driver analyses highlighting the most important takeaways and next steps, APECS® gives you exactly what you need to quickly evaluate customer feedback and take action.

Go deeper.
Learn more about all the research services available to you, both qualitative and quantitative research, and how they can help your organization succeed.