This is one of many surveys in the utility space where there is a recurring response. Customers want more than service delivery, they want to believe in and trust the service provider will keep them safe and secure and provide more efficient and innovative solutions. This revelation is occurring not only in the utility industry but across many industries. Consumers expect more from the companies where they buy products and get services.
These surveys are bringing the perception to the forefront. The lack of trust and security is having an impact. Many utility organizations may have collected customer feedback in the past but didn’t always have the right tools to analyze and distribute the findings across their organizations. Having a comprehensive organization-wide customer feedback, measurement and implementation tool could have a significant impact on the customer’s relationship and improve trust.
We are seeing an increase in utility organizations inquiring about our customer feedback and measurement tools. Utility organizations may have the data. The data alone doesn’t allow for change, data is only worthwhile if it can be analyzed, aggregated and the insights provided back to internal stakeholder who can respond to the customers.
Those utility companies with lower scores should take notice and begin to work on changing their customers’ perceptions. Customers will be more responsive to new offerings when they have established a trusting relationship with the utility provider.
Learn more about APECS, our customer feedback and measurement online portal.