Your corporate brand encompasses everything your company says and does–what customers and prospects think and feel about your company, how you make decisions, your messaging strategies, the way people are treated. Unfortunately, many companies don’t take time to identify this brand, nor do they measure how it’s perceived.
“Much of today’s branding conversation focuses on product brands, overlooking the importance of a strong corporate brand. Product brands certainly deserve significant attention. However, in their new book, The People Powered Brand: A Blueprint for B2B Brand and Culture Transformation, co-authors Chris Wirthwein and Joe Bannon make a strong case for why corporate brands should take a more prominent role. In this brief excerpt, Bannon explains their reasoning.”
Read the full article at Home | American Marketing Association
Market research can help you clarify your corporate brand and measure awareness, along with awareness of your competitors’ brands. Make sure you understand how customers and prospects perceive your company and use this knowledge to guide your business strategies.