PPC – Market Research - The MSR Group
The MSR Group

MSR Market Research

We take pride in making sure you’re conducting the right type of research to gain the data and insights you need. Get in touch with the experts at MSR Group today to get started toward collecting the valuable insights your organization needs. We’ll work with you to identify the best research methods to achieve your goals and handle the process start to finish.

Our Team Is Our Difference

What makes us unique as a market research company is our team. We are dedicated to your success and approach our work accordingly. Our philosophy is to not only help you uncover valuable insights that help you overcome business challenges, but to help you take action on those insights. With our caring, experienced team at your side, MSR Group is the market research firm that helps you move your organization forward.

female colleagues reviewing papers

Qualitative vs Quantitative Research

Both research methods are highly effective, but these methods need to be used in the right circumstances to deliver best results. Below, we break down the differences between quantitative and qualitative research.

Research StyleQualitativeQuantitative
Research MethodsFocus groups and online communitiesSurveys
Data CollectedSubjective, VerbalObjective, Statistical
Research IntentUnderstand people’s thoughts, reactions, and emotions on a topicGather high level measurable data
ExamplesConducting a focus group to understand people’s reactions to an advertising campaignSurveying public to understand the likelihood of a bill passing

It’s our approach to work with you to find the absolute best research method for your unique goals. Whether that ends up being qualitative research, quantitative research, or a combination both, we’re here to make sure you get the information you need to move forward.

Quantitative Research Methods

Data collection is fundamental to market research, but that doesn’t mean it’s always done right or in the way that provides the best insights for your business. Some market research companies specialize in one type of data collection, and that’s what they always recommend. We do things differently.

At MSR Group, we specialize in a wide range of survey types, allowing us to deliver a custom approach that perfectly meets your needs. Survey methods we specialize in include:

  • Telephone surveys
  • Mobile surveys
  • Mail surveys
  • Online surveys
  • Mixed-mode surveys

Qualitative Research Methods

We use several types of qualitative research to achieve the specific goals our clients are trying to achieve. These include focus groups and online communities.

Focus Groups

Focus groups are an incredible way to get into the mind of the consumer and come away with valuable insights. We use several different types of focus groups to achieve our clients’ goals ranging from traditional focus groups to in-depth individual interviews.

Traditional focus groupsIntercepts
Online focus groupsPerception Analyzer ®
In-depth interviews

Online Communities

Online communities have many of the same benefits as focus groups, but offer the unique benefit of being an ongoing resource that you can turn to whenever you need to float an idea or hear opinions. We work with you to build a community that reflects your target, handle the details of panel incentives, survey drafting, and more. This allows you to focus on taking advantage of the insights the group has shared.

Let’s Get Started

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